by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

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Note: If you already know the following information scroll down to the article title in maroon below the seven asterisks.  However, I strongly recommend reading this introduction until you really ‘own’ it.  In addition, post The Great News where you’ll see it every day.  

In 2019 – 2020, a series of studies at the University of Arizona definitively demonstrated scientifically that life continues after physical death.  This research was conducted by Gary E. Schwartz PhD and a team of electrical engineers, software specialists, evidential mediums, and postmaterial (so-called ‘deceased’) luminaries at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. 

See articles #1 and 60 at for an overview of the scientific and clinical evidence indicating – with 99.9% certainty – that consciousness survives bodily death.  This collective evidence, along with many firsthand experiences, also shows – with very high degrees of certainty – The Great News that you and everyone else:    

  1. continue to live after bodily death.

  2. do not really lose ‘departed’ people and pets and can interact with them again.

  3. are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source Energy / Creator.

  4. receive assistance / guidance from angels, guides, master teachers, evolved energies.

  5. are sacredly interconnected with all people, animals, and nature.

  6. have special purposes for being on this planet at this time.

  7. have everything you need to survive and thrive during this earthly adventure.

  8. possess a magnificent, self-healing body that can optimize your earthly experience.

  9. can find meaning and trust the timing behind life’s biggest changes such as death.

  10. co-create how heavenly / hellish your life feels by your thoughts, words and deeds.

  11. can find silver linings and opportunities for growth and service amidst challenges.

  12. can likely use SoulPhone technology in the future for communication with postmaterial loved ones and luminaries who can help us heal our world.

This is, obviously, a new and exciting era for humanity.  When understood and internalized – even just a bit – The Great News can help you make the shift:

  • FROM thinking, believing, and acting as if your time on earth is unfair, meaningless, cruel, and ends with cessation of consciousness or the possibility of endless suffering.

  • TO thinking, believing, and acting as if this earthly experience is a totally meaningful, safe, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.

Upgrading your language can help you adopt a greater reality perspective and live based on the second worldview.  That, in turn, can help you create the greatest life YOU have envisioned, fulfill your purposes for being on earth, serve others, and enjoy the journey.  In my articles, l:   

  1. Will use the term ‘YOU’ to describe the totality of your energy / being. The real you may manifest in different spacetime ways simultaneously. Only 20% of your consciousness may be needed for an earthly experience.  The term ‘YOU’ recognizes both of these possibilities.  

  2. Will not use the terms ‘die, departed, deceased, or dead’ without single quotation marks since those have strongly entrenched and erroneous meanings indicating an end of life.

  3. Will use the terms ‘bodily death’ and ‘death of the earthly form’ to remind you that only the earth-suit dies. The rest – all the intelligence, love, personality, memories, preferences, sense of humor, and much more – continues living in other parts of the field of all possibilities.

  4. Will use the terms changed worlds, passed on, transitioned and others that aptly describe a continuation of consciousness after bodily death.

  5. Will primarily refer to those who have passed on as postmaterial persons. That term recognizes the points in #3. I also will use soul, consciousness, essence, and awareness

  6. Will primarily refer to ‘physical humans living on earth’ as material persons. Why? Because those terms within single quotation marks may apply to postmaterial persons: they can have physicality, visit earth, and are still human in meaningful ways.  

  7. The terms lower versus higher energy emotions / ways of being, are not judgmental or subjective. They are based on well-established observations that ‘as you think, so shall you be.’ Those terms are also based on objective measurements by, for example, David Hawkins PhD, MD author of Power Versus Force.  He and other researchers found that higher-energy emotions of peace, joy, and love calibrate at 600, 540, and 500 respectively.  Lower-energy emotions of anger, fear, and guilt calibrate at 150, 100, and 30. 

  8. I will use single quotations marks with words such as ‘lose and fail’.  The Great News and collective afterlife evidence can expand your worldview about what seem to be losses and failures.  We can’t accurately judge the big picture of life – what is lost or how we failed – with our limited human senses.   

  9. To recognize and respect different genders and sexual identifications, I will alternate using ‘he’ or ‘she’ and related pronouns. Depending on a person’s orientation, one, both, or neither of those may apply.

The free articles and radio shows mentioned are available at  To learn more about the collective afterlife evidence and The Great News, read Soul Proof, The Afterlife Evidence, Greater Reality Living (co-authored with Dr. Schwartz) and The Big Picture of Life (with Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd).  To experience expanded states of consciousness to heal and transform your life, use the audio programs under Shop at 

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Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life

My landscaper Joe, a big and friendly country guy, recently told me his beloved dad passed on just three weeks earlier.  I gave my condolences and said, ‘Joe, many religions have taught that life continues after physical death.’  Before I could continue, he said with tears in his eyes: ‘I sure hope that’s true.’  Then I told him about the scientific evidence that now clearly shows that bodily death is NOT the end of life. 

Joe expressed what many people feel.  Despite many different religions and denominations on our planet, fear of death is still widespread and significant.  As a holistic physician for 35 years, I have seen and heard ‘the real story’ that most people don’t share.  Numerous patients who were very religious have expressed their fear and worry when they or a loved one are close to bodily death.  It’s good to have faith, but it’s even better to have replicated research at a top university that corroborates the great news of life after death.   

Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, is the director of the University of Arizona’s Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  A former assistant professor at Harvard and tenured professor at Yale, he stated in the book we co-authored, Greater Reality Living: “Speaking as a scientist, I am now 99.9 percent certain that life continues after bodily death.”

I am equally sure based upon my personal and professional experiences and knowledge of the collective evidence.

Those are very high levels of certainty.  Many experts on consciousness and afterlife topics agree that there is very strong evidence that your consciousness / energy / spirit survive bodily death.  Put another way, life is never-ending despite outward appearances to the contrary.  

Many potential benefits, including the heightened potential for personal and global transformation, can occur when you deeply know this evidence and live accordingly.  

(NOTE: I will not use the terms ‘departed, deceased, or dead’ since those have such strongly entrenched – and, according to much contemporary evidence – erroneous meanings about the end of life.  Instead, I will use more accurate terms: physical or bodily death / die, change worlds, pass on, or cross over.  Other more factual descriptors for what happens after physical death include: transition to the next phase of forever, reenter the field of all possibilities, and graduate from earth-school.)

The evidence that consciousness continues after bodily death can be grouped into three categories indicating who is doing the analysis: research scientists, clinicians, or persons having the firsthand experience. 

1.  Evidence from Research Scientists

Evidence collected by a scientist requires a laboratory or research setting with double-blinded, experimentally controlled and replicated studies.  Further, the findings must be statistically significant, peer-reviewed and published in reputable journals.  Topics in this category include: studies of authentic mediums, spirit communication technology, and other scientific evidence for consciousness. 

2. Evidence from Clinicians

Evidence from a medical or psychological clinician requires systematic collection and analysis of data in a professional office, hospital or field setting.  Categories include: near-death experiences, past life memories, perinatal research, life between lives studies, terminal lucidity and deathbed visions. 

3. Evidence from Persons Having Firsthand Experiences

Evidence in this category is perceived and analyzed by the person having the direct experience.  Categories include: after-death communications and other types of firsthand experiences. 

This article provides an overview of some of the scientific data; more is presented in Greater Reality Living and my book Soul Proof.

Studies of Authentic Mediums by Dr. Schwartz
As described in his book The Afterlife Experiments, Dr. Schwartz conducted numerous studies to investigate the validity of mediums.  In one study, he investigated five mediums and their abilities to accurately communicate with people who have passed on. 

Using strict laboratory procedures, the mediums could not see or even hear the subjects – the people who hoped to receive messages from their ‘departed’ loved ones.  Furthermore, the mediums had no way of knowing anything about the subjects: not their names, gender, age bracket, background, city of residence or any other details. 

After reviewing his experimental research on mediums, he concluded that the information consistently retrieved can best be explained as coming from living beings.  Information was obtained before the medium ever spoke with the subjects. At times, the subject disagreed with some of the information that may ultimately turn out to be correct.  Mediums were sometimes corrected by the ‘deceased.’ The data appeared to be as valid, convincing and living as the mediums, subjects, skeptics and scientists themselves.  That’s what the experimental data unmistakably showed.

Yes, some individuals who call themselves mediums rely on ‘cold reading’ techniques as skeptics have correctly asserted.  Others may use ‘hot reading’ techniques with information secretly obtained before the session.  However, in Dr. Schwartz’s experiments, every conceivable measure was used to ensure valid readings.  Magicians, other scientists and professional documentarians with video-cameras assisted to spot any cheating.  No one who observed his laboratory’s work and data – especially his latest multi-blinded experiments – has been able to point out any critical flaws in the scientific methodology. 

No rational alternative explanations have been found for the findings.  Statistical analyses show that the chances the totality of the results could have occurred randomly are at least 1 in 1 trillion.  Finding a probability of chance in the 1 out of 100 or 1,000 range is the usual requirement for publishing research in respected journals.  The data from the medium research is thus 1 billion times the requirement for acceptance of data validity in traditional scientific journals. 

He concluded, “Scientists and nonscientists alike are experiencing a test of faith: in this case, whether we can believe in the scientific method itself.  Because if we are to put our faith in the scientific method, and trust what the data reveal, we are led to the hypothesis that the universe is more wondrous than imagined in our wildest flights of fancy.  The totality of the findings is surprisingly consistent with the concept of life after death and what we call the ‘living soul hypothesis.’”

Multiple double-blinded laboratory mediumship experiments have been published over the past 20 years from researchat the University of Arizona, University of Virginia, University of Glasgow in Scotland, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and Windbridge Institute.  In addition, imaging studies of mediums’ brains suggest that mediumship is more than imagination and have been published by Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

To summarize, double-blinded and triple-blinded experiments from 1997 to 2017 with genuine research mediums have indicated that accurate information can be obtained from ‘spirits.’  In addition, specific hypothesized spirit collaborators on ‘the other side’ – including famous scientists, inventors, business leaders and entertainers – appear to be actively collaborating with researchers.  These experiments and findings have been reported in four of Dr. Schwartz’s books: The Afterlife Experiments (2002), The Truth about Medium (2005), The Sacred Promise (2011), and An Atheist in Heaven(2016).

Spirit Communication Technology at the University of Arizona
Technologies are currently being tested to demonstrate that the theories listed above are real.  To date, many proof-of-concept technologies have been evaluated.  States Dr. Schwartz, “We hold the firm conviction that one day soon the technologies that result from these discoveries will allow us to communicate with what is now considered to be ‘the spirit realm.’”  Devices derived from these technologies will likely be available for us to continue our relationships with loved ones who have passed on, but definitely not passed away.

The Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona is progressing toward a working prototype of what is called the SoulPhone™.  Researchers there have demonstrated that detection of those who have physically died is possible in optimally controlled environments with ultra-sensitive technological instruments. 

Electromagnetic fields, light, sounds and images of hypothesized collaborating spirits have been captured in proof-of-concept studies.  The challenge is to amplify their signals while minimizing background noise and other interfering signals.  

In light of the compelling evidence and rationale for such technologies, the question is no longer, “Is spirit communication possible?”  The question is now, “What will it take to engineer a technology to make spirit communication extremely reliable, practical and affordable?”

Proof of concept research provides experimental evidence demonstrating the feasibility of designing practical spirit communication technologies.  Important milestones thus far include:

  1. A collection of fundamental information from hypothesized collaborating spirits (HCSs.) These luminaries – scientists, inventors and others who have transitioned from earth – want to help those on earth. Thus far, contact with them has been achieved via key research mediums.  The data collected from 2009 to the present reveals the physics of the ‘deceased’ and the requirements of technology for reliably detecting them.

  2. Scientific publication of three proof of concept experiments in the peer-reviewed journal Explore (2010.) These data documented that the ‘energy of spirit’ could be reliably detected using state-of-the-art research grade equipment measuring single photons of light in a pitch-black light proof chamber.  Evidence of increased light was detected when hypothesized collaborating spirits were asked to enter the chamber.  No consistent changes in light were detected during the control trials of the experiment when they were not asked to appear. 

Additional findings about (1) and (2) were reported in Dr. Schwartz’s books, The Sacred Promise and An Atheist in Heaven

  1. Follow-up findings from two proof of concept experiments were published in Explore (2011.) This research documented that the energy of those who have passed on could be reliably detected using a fully automated computer low light CCD camera system.  Again, patterns of light were detected in a light-proof chamber when the computer signaled the timing for hypothesized collaborating spirits to enter the chamber.

    These experiments occurred in the middle of the night when no human experimenters were present to run the experiments.  This indicates that collaborating spirits can work with the equipment even when no humans are present and can follow precise instructions given via PowerPoint.  This phase of research also considered the unlikely possibility of inadvertent near-distance psi effects by the researchers.
  1. Additional research indicating the practicality of ‘spirit’ detection was conducted using a photomultiplier tube system in an electrically shielded chamber. Data were collected by a senior scientist with a Ph.D. in physical engineering at the California Institute of Human Sciences in 2013.

  2. Experiments were performed from 2011 to 2014 using shielded magnetic sensors and background radiation detectors. The statistically significant results documented that skilled collaborating spirits could increase or decrease the signals and produce patterns in the signals.

  3. Experiments from 2014 to 2016 using sophisticated equipment have detected:

    (a) micro-breezes using an optical dynamical interferometer with special software developed by Schwartz and his team            

    (b) micro-photon beam attenuation using an optical detection system

    (c) sub-audible sounds using a microphone with preamplifier synchronized voice paradigm

    (d) blurring in real time using high quality video recording equipment with specially designed software

(Note: The research described in (5) and (6) has intentionally not been published to protect important intellectual property.)

Dr. Schwartz has written the following papers for peer-reviewed scientific journals:

Schwartz G.E. (2010). Possible application of silicon photomultiplier technology to detect the presence of spirit and intention: three proof-of-concept experiments. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing 6, pages 166-171.

Schwartz, GE. (2011) Photonic Measurement of Apparent Presence of Spirit Using a Computer Automated System. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (2011) 7(2) 100-109 DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2010.12.002

Schwartz GE. (2019). A computer-automated, multi-center, multi-blinded, randomized control trial evaluating hypothesized spirit presence and communication [published online ahead of print, 2019 Nov 16]. Explore (NY). 2019;S1550-8307(19)30552-X. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2019.11.007

Schwartz, Gary E., Woollacott Marjorie H., eds. (2019) Is Consciousness Primary?  Perspectives from the founding members of the Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences. Copyright 2019 


Other Scientific Evidence for Consciousness

Additional evidence about the indestructibility of consciousness comes from many eminent scientists and their mathematical, theoretical or research findings.  As such, I want to share them in this category. 

I credit The New Science of Consciousness Survival by Alan Hugenot, Engr.  ScD as a resource for quotes in the remainder of this section.  

Max Planck Ph.D., Nobel Prize recipient and founder of quantum physics, stated: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.  We must assume that behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.  This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Thirty years later, Dr. Planck wrote: “I regard consciousness as fundamental.  I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.  We cannot get behind consciousness.  Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Erwin Schrodinger Ph.D., Nobel Prize winning physicist stated, “What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space.” Carl Sagan Ph.D., astronomer and astrophysicist said, “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” Albert Einstein Ph.D. stated, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man.”

Physicist David Bohm Ph.D., author of Wholeness and the Implicate Order, described the ultimate nature of reality as unified energy that undergoes constant change.  In his view, life is fundamentally best described as an enormous totality of energy in perpetual motion.  Our physical world is like a tiny ripple on a vast sea, a wavelike excitation on top of this seething energy soup.  Just as each fragment of a hologram contains information about the entire image, each human being in some sense contains the essence of the universe. 

Bohm postulates two levels of reality that coexist and overlap.  The material or explicate order is the manifestation of energy which is perceived by our brains as physical reality bound by time and space.  The absolute or implicate order is infinite, consists of pure energy and transcends physicality.  Together, these two orders comprise an undivided whole that constantly flows and changes. 

Even ‘empty space’ is full of this energy that ultimately merges and unites in a holomovement, Bohm’s term for the dynamic and holographic nature of reality.  Western philosophers such as Plato, Plotinus, Spinoza and Hegel have described this deep unitive reality for centuries, as have physicists for over 60 years. 

Dr. Hugenot states: “The insights of quantum electrodynamics (QED) and Relativity Theory both pointed to a universe that is undivided and in which all parts merge and unite in one totality.  This undivided whole is not static; it is in a constant state of flow and change, a kind of invisible ether (dark energy or zero-point field) from which all things arise and into which all eventually dissolve.”          

He states that the theory of afterlife survival has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt based on:

  • It is a logical possibility.

  • There is a great deal of evidence for it coming from several separate streams of scientific inquiry.

  • No scientist has ever produced one shred of scientific data to disprove it.

Robert Lanza M.D., is the author of Biocentrism and a regenerative specialist.  The foundations for his theories are based on work by theoretical physicist, John A.  Wheeler Ph.D., who gave us the terms ‘black hole’ and ‘worm hole’ and worked on the Manhattan Project.  

Hugenot summarizes how biocentrism supports the theory of consciousness survival: “This biocentrism theory implies that death simply does not exist.  It is an illusion that arises in the minds of people.  It exists because people identify themselves with their physical bodies.  They believe that the body is going to perish sooner or later and think their consciousness will also disappear along with the physical body. 

However, consciousness, does in fact, exist outside of the constraints of time and space and outside the physical body.  It is able to be and act anywhere: in the human body and outside of it.”

Dr. Schwartz is the founding president of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences (AAPS).  AAPS was created to inspire scientists in all areas to expand their theories, methods, and applications by exploring mind and consciousness as core properties of nature and the cosmos.  These properties of reality include historical and contemporary observations that do not fit into prevailing materialistic theories. 

The founding members of AAPS are a group of senior scientists spanning physics, mathematics, engineering, psychology, anthropology, neuroscience, and medicine.  They participated in one or more post-materialist meetings in: (1) New York City organized by Lisa Miller Ph.D. of Columbia University; (2) Tucson organized by Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Miller, and Mario Beauregard Ph.D. of the University of Arizona; and (3) Tucson organized by Dr. Schwartz and Marjorie Woollacott Ph.D. of the University of Oregon. 

For over two hundred years, materialistic science has assumed that mind and consciousness are created by matter, and that reality consists only of materially produced processes.  That is, in materialism, consciousness is considered to be merely a byproduct of the brain that ends with physical death. 

Post-materialism, as conceptualized by AAPS, refers to an evolutionary stage in scientific theory that views mind and consciousness, like information and energy, as being fundamental in nature and the cosmos.  Post-materialism expands scientific theory, research, and applications to include consciousness as a core process. 

Post-materialism is founded on evidence-based research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.  It requires the rigorous application of the scientific method to questions involving mind and consciousness.  Though some of the areas

of research support certain ancient beliefs – for example, the continuation of consciousness beyond bodily death – post-materialism is driven by careful and replicated research. 

Materialism is the foundation of mainstream institutions of science and education.  Like every other scientific paradigm shift in the past, post-materialist thinking is viewed by most mainstream scientists as challenging the academic materialist paradigm.  For this reason, it is typically discouraged, misrepresented, and/or ridiculed in contemporary universities as well as funding institutions.  

As a result, post-materialist science is often conducted outside of mainstream settings.  In the process, young scientists and students are prevented from learning about these discoveries and contributing to human advancement.  A safe place is needed for scientists of all ages to be able to meet and pursue post-materialist theory, research, and applications.  In addition, such an academy, holding itself to the highest scientific standards, will serve to encourage and attract funding for high-level scientific research.  For more information, visit and read Expanding Science: Visions of a Post-Materialist Paradigm (edited by Beauregard, Schwartz, Trent 2018)

I hope this brief overview of the afterlife evidence provides comfort and inspiration.  Many have found this knowledge helps them to release fear, share their greatest gifts, and enjoy this earthly experience.                 

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Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:  

  1. read this article again within a few days so you really own it.

  2. discuss it with trusted family members and friends.

  3. take recommended action steps that seem right for you.

  4. share it with others who can use it.

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar / workshop facilitator.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  Mark directs The Soul Phone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living Groups, and assists research on the SoulPhone Project.  To learn more about how Dr. Pitstick might help you, visit

Dr. Pitstick’s goal is to help you know and show– no matter what is happening to or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  Visit for free articles, newsletters, and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.  Other resources include his very reasonably priced books, audio-products, and documentary film.

Note: Because of his many outreaches, Dr. Pitstick can no longer answer complex and/or multiple questions.  However, he has created many resources to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges . . .  


– Articles for Transformation and Healing (top tab Articles at address the most common questions, concerns, and challenges about life, death, and afterlife.

– Radio Shows (top tab Radio Shows at share his answers and those of top experts to life’s biggest questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God?  Why is there so much suffering?  Why do children die?” and others.

– E-Newsletters (sign up on any page at


 Transformational Audio Products  (see Shop at provide quality sessions at home for a fraction of the cost of an office visit.  These CDs and digital audios use deep relaxation, visualization, breathwork, and/or other techniques to: access your inner wisdom, visit with “departed” loved ones, release old wounds and lower energy emotions, evaluate your pre-birth planning, have past life regressions, and other goals.

Books and Documentary (Shop at provide information and strategies to help you more deeply realize and demonstrate that:

  • you are a forever being of energy / consciousness
  • the many wonderful benefits of realizing this
  • how to reflect this great news in every aspect of your life — even when confronted with big challenges and changes

Webinars and Workshops: to learn about these, subscribe to newsletters at and (Classes & Interviews at

Greater Reality Living Groups: these local and online groups share information from Dr. Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other experts on consciousness and holistic wellness topics.  (Visit Greater Reality Living at

Coaching / Counseling Sessionmeet with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your toughest questions and holistic solutions to your biggest challenges.  (Shop at

Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s remarks are based on his personal and professional training and experience during forty-eight years of helping many thousands of people.  Collective clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence supports some, but not all, of what he shares.  Mark’s views may change over time, and he does not claim to have all the answers or the only answers. 

Dr. Pitstick encourages you to consider this information and decide for yourself what makes the most sense.  Note: the articles and other resources at his site are NOT purely based on scientific research as is the SoulPhone Project.

