Welcome!  I’m Dr. Mark Pitstick, author of Soul Proof and creator of this site.

You can see my bio at About Dr. Mark Pitstick. You’ll learn more about my extensive education, training, and experience. Over the last 48 years, I’ve worked with many thousands of people in hospitals, pastoral counseling centers, mental health centers, and holistic health chiropractic offices. I’ve also helped many people with suicide counseling and education. In addition, many people worldwide have benefited from my books, audio-products, documentary film, radio shows, media interviews, workshops, and webinars.

I mention this to let you know that I am extremely qualified to share the most important information you will ever hear. This great news is listed on the Home page but it’s so comforting, inspiring, and wonderful that here it is again . . .

Dr Mark Pitstick

University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that YOU continue living after bodily death.  (To learn more about this research, see article #1 under Articles.)

In addition, much scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence allow us to responsibly infer with a very high degree of certainty that YOU:

  1. do not really ‘lose’ loved ones after their earthly bodies perish since you can reunite with them when you change worlds.
  2. can enjoy a continued, but different, relationship with your ‘departed’ loved ones now.
  3. are an integral part of Source Energy / the Light now.
  4. receive assistance and guidance from sources variously described as angels, guides, master teachers, and higher energies.
  5. can have many different and, perhaps, simultaneous life experiences.
  6. create how heavenly/hellish your life feels by your predominant thoughts, words and deeds.
  7. are interconnected with other people, animals, nature, and all of life.
  8. have special purposes for experiencing being on this planet at this time.
  9. can quite probably use SoulPhone devices in the near future to communicate with dear ones who changed worlds
  10. will likely enjoy webinars and classes from postmaterial luminaries who want to help us heal ourselves and our planet

On this site, you’ll find:

  • FREE articles that answer your biggest questions about life, death, and afterlife. They also provide solutions to the most common challenges people face.
  • FREE monthly e-newsletters (sign up AND receive a free 48-minute digital audio “Ask the Soul Doctor” answering 11 of the most commonly asked questions)
  • FREE radio shows with experts on survival of consciousness and how to optimally while on earth

Under Shop, you’ll see very affordable books and audio-products to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges.

I hope you take advantage of these resources so you can deeply know and show that your brief earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity!

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of SoulPhone Foundation
Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups
Research Assistant for the SoulPhone Project