Soul Proof News 

April 2024

Dear Soul Proof family,

Each newsletter starts with a list of ultra-important goals and ends with resources to help you reach them.  I hope this helps you and your loved ones to:

  1. remember who you are (manifestations of energy / consciousness / spirit)
  2. heal and optimally transform yourself holistically
  3. identify and fulfill your highest purposes for being on earth now
  4. enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.
  5. serve others and make our world a better place

(Note: the capitalized word ‘YOU’ refers to your higher self  / consciousness / soul.)

Thank you for sharing these goals and resources with others.  Challenges for many people and our planet can be practically solved, one person at a time 

(Notes: all free articles cited below are available at  Scroll down to Questions & Answers if you’ve memorized ‘The Great News’.)

The Great News

Your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.  What’s more, you are one with the One right now, and sacredly interconnected with all people and nature.  This isn’t just wishful thinking;  those statements are based on much evidence from multiple sources.

Knowing and showing The Great News’ one day at a time helps you enjoy increasingly high levels of peace, joy, love, and fulfillment . . . no matter what is happening to or around you.

To learn more about the nature of reality / the way life is set up, see article #19 The Great News’.  I highly recommend that you print and post this list where you’ll see it often.  (Items # 1, 2, and 11 are supported by scientific research; the others have much clinical and experiential evidence to support their validity.)   

Q & A

 Q:  I have a strong belief in God . . . but Jesus?  Not so much. The Bible says he is my savior, but to save me from what? I no longer belief in hell or heaven as the religion of my youth taught. Rather, I think the afterlife can be more or less hellish or heavenly depending on how you lived on earth and how advanced your soul is.  I am curious to hear about your thoughts on this.

A: Thank you for raising these important points.  I attended two years of theology school in the 70’s because I wrestled with similar issues.  Yours are huge questions that require a book to fully answer, but let’s start with the following articles . . .

#13 What is G.O.D. Like?

#14 Heaven and Hell . . . What Are They Really?

#15 The Nature of Humans

#76 Twelve Experiences, Many Lessons (See experience 9 in that article to learn about my pivotal encounter with Jesus; see experience 16 to read about my multi-sensory perception of The Divine.)

#83 Am I a Christian?

#107 What Is the Afterlife Like?

I agree with your thoughts about heaven and hell, but encourage you to give ‘the real Jesus’ another chance.  I agree that some of what is said about him in The Bible and by fundamentalists was obviously altered.  However, in my experience, he is one of the most – or perhaps the most  – evolved souls to have visited earth.  (Beings of that caliber don’t keep track of who is the most wise, loving, and advanced.)

I’m reading an interesting book right now entitled ‘Jesus: My Autobiography’ (2015 Light Technology Publishing).  It’s supposedly Jesus sharing the real story as channeled by Tina Louise Spalding.  In it, he encourages people to read alleged accounts of what he said in The Bible with discerning minds and open hearts.  He regrets that much of what he really said was changed by unscrupulous political and religious leaders.  (Imagine that!)

Here are four suggestions . . .

  1. Listen to the song ‘Jesus’ by Cat Stevens (Buddha and the Chocolate Box album 1974)
  2. Read‘The Complete Teachings of Jesus’ by Arthur Hinds with a foreword by Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.  As you read slowly and thoughtfully, consider whether a compassionate, loving, and wise being would really say that.
  3. In your prayers and meditations, ask for / intend to develop closer personal relationships with your spiritual support team: angels, guides, and master teachers.  You may find that Jesus is patiently waiting in the latter group.
  4. Get a laugh from this cartoon to release anger and frustration from distorted images and teachings about this Greatest Reflection from the East.

Q: I don’t believe that God arbitrarily decides who dies and when.  I love God and He has gotten a bad rap for beliefs like this.  For example, when children die in horrific ways, people understandably feel contempt for a god that would allow or cause it.  To me, God is a mediator and a mentor – not an all-powerful entity who creates pain and suffering.

A: I agree with you on all those points.  Part of the needless confusion is due to persistent archaic and erroneous images of Creator.  Some people still envision God as acting like mythological gods of the ancient Greek and Romans.  (Those stories arose between 1800 – 1200 BC / BCE.)  That’s why I favor varying terms for G.O.D., for example, The Light, The Beloved, Creative Intelligence, etc.  Shifting to those from patriarchal terms of God / Him / His is an easy way to drop hopelessly ignorant and blasphemous beliefs about The Ground of All Being.

To learn more, read articles recommended above and #78 Why Did God Take My Loved One?  Most importantly, keep thinking for yourself and trusting your inner wisdom about how The Source of all love, wisdom, peace, and creativity would operate.


I hope this newsletter helps you remember more deeply who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside you always. May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!


NOTE: As long as my schedule allows, I will provide answers — at no charge — to your biggest questions and holistic solutions for your toughest challenges.  Just email me at for my brief but resource-packed personalized recommendations.  (For those who want to work together more deeply, see Counseling & Coaching Sessions.)


Over the last 50 years, I’ve created powerful resources for you and your loved ones.  These powerful tools can help you awaken, heal, revitalize, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy this earthly experience.

  1. You CAN handle life’s toughest difficulties with style, find meaning and blessings to adversity, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.  (The capitalized version of you denotes your higher self / totality of who you really are.)

FREE Resources

  1. Articles that provide answers and holistic solutions for the toughest questions and challenges people face during their earthly journey.
  2. Radio Showswith top experts on afterlife, consciousness, and full potential living.  My guests included Wayne Dyer, Gary Schwartz, Caroline Myss, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Michael Newton, and other luminaries.
  3. Newsletters:sign upat and
  4. Videos on YouTube

Books and Audio Programs

Learn about these inexpensive but powerful resources at Shop.  For example, Past Life Regression or Pre-Birth Planning sessions with a highly trained therapist may cost $250 or more.  My $15 audio products provide a similar experience to a one-on-one session.  You can use the audio products repeatedly at home and share them with loved ones.  (I created the Facilitated After-Death Communication and Ask Your Soul, G.O.D., and Angels techniques and am not aware of anyone else offering those.)

NOTE: If you truly cannot afford the books and audio programs, email me at and we’ll send a free digital product.  (This makes my life and world-transformative products available to all people worldwide.)

Visit Counseling Sessions with Dr. Pitstick to learn about a one-hour counseling with me via Zoom.  I take a detailed history about you, your challenges / imbalances, and your goals.  Then I design a personalized holistic program to help you achieve those goals.  These sessions take 1 1/2 hours of my time and the charge is $125.  (Because of my busy schedule, I cannot offer these for free.)


I hope all this helps you more deeply remember who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside / within you always.  May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
