Soul Proof News 

January #2 2024

Dear Soul Proof family,

Each newsletter starts off the same way since the next few paragraphs may be the most important vision — and practical path to fulfill it — you encounter.

I hope my information and resources help you and your loved ones to:

  1. awaken to the big picture of life
  2. heal and transform yourselves
  3. identify and fulfill your highest purposes
  4. help others with your unique gifts
  5. enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned.

(Note: the capitalized word ‘YOU’ refers to your higher self / consciousness / soul. )

Thank you for sharing these goals and resources for achieving them with others. The roots of our world’s problems can be solved — one person at a time — as more people remember their true nature and share their greatest gifts.

(Notes: Scroll down to Questions & Answers if you’ve already internalized ‘The Great News’.)

Thank you for sharing these goals and resources with others.  Our personal and world’s challenges can be solved, one person at a time 

The Great News

Your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. What’s more, you are one with the One and sacredly interconnected with all people and nature. This isn’t just airy-fairy wishful thinking since those statements are based on much multi-sourced evidence.

The more you remember ‘The Great News’ — for your eternal consciousness / soul knows it quite well — the more you can enjoy high levels of peace, love, joy, and fulfillment no matter what is happening to or around you.

To view all items about the inspiring and comforting nature of reality, see article #19 at The Great News’ I highly recommend that you print and post this list where you’ll see it often. (Items # 1, 2, and 11 are supported by scientific research; the others have much clinical and experiential evidence to support their validity.)

Questions & Answers

Note: Please share this Q & A with everyone you know who is struggling with substance abuse and / or hopelessness, depression, and lack of purpose.

Q: I read your article about Pre-Birth Planning and sometimes that helps me handle my challenges. However, I can barely deal with the fact that my son suffers from substance use disorder. Surely, I didn’t sign up for that? He is very loving, nurturing, and thoughtful. He cries and says that he hates taking drugs but can’t stop. I have done everything I know and don’t know what to do. Did he choose this life? Can he somehow get off of this destructive course he’s on?

A: I am very sorry for what you and he have gone through. This commonality of mental symptoms among younger generations was predicted by nutritionally-oriented physicians in the 1940s. I work closely with parents whose children have passed on and a significant percentage of them had addiction issues. Their bodies died from health problems, suicide, and accidental or intentional suicide. Many of these parents similarly describe their children as like old souls who tried to self-medicate and numb out by using alcohol and/or drugs.

(Note: I say ‘their bodies died’ because only the earthly forms of these children perished; over 99% of who and what they are still exists. Even though the language seems cumbersome, it is very important to make that distinction.)

My sense is that some evolved souls choose the possibility of becoming addicted. Why? They are sensitive and evolved souls who knew they might get tripped up by all the cruelty, BS, pollution, etc. on earth. But they tried in an attempt to bring more light and love to the fore on our planet. They also may have known that, even if the worse happened, enough people may wake up to turn things around on our planet. (See article #23 Are You More Evolved and Sensitive / Empathic?)

You and, depending on his level of functioning and clarity, perhaps he can explore this topic by reading article #25 Pre-Birth Planning: Did I REALLY Choose All This? My Pre-Birth Planning audio product uses deep relaxation and guided imagery to help you explore if you planned the potential for this and, if so, why. Then you can consider how to use this new information to improve the here and now.

There are a number of underlying causes for these problems that, fortunately, often can be addressed by holistic and natural care. By the way, similar causes often are behind the hopelessness, depression, and lack of purpose that so many people feel. I recommend the following steps . . .

1. Regular Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and/or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings for him, and Al-Anon for you. Politics aside, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admits to using drugs and alcohol for 14 years after his uncle and dad were assassinated. He’s been sober now for 40 years, but still attends AA meetings daily.

2. Read my book Radiant Wellness, especially the Diet and Inner Cleanse chapters, to learn about core causes and natural solutions for substance abuse.

3. Find a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner near you by clicking on this link. These nutrition-based healers are specially trained to handle substance abuse disorders with natural methods at a fraction of the cost of traditional medical treatment.

4. Use acupuncture to assist his sobriety and return to wellness.

5. Help from a mental health therapist who has training in this area.

6. Involvement with open-minded and open-hearted persons at a church or spiritual center

7. Reading the following article that relate to the approaches above AND address spiritual topics that young people are searching for but often can’t find. They know the conventional explanations about the nature of reality are crap and want to learn more about the big picture of life.

#13 What Is G.O.D. Really Like?

#14 The Nature of Humans

#16 Evidence-Based Spiritual Teachings

#26 Holistic Solutions for ‘Mental’ Symptoms

#37 Detoxing Chemicals and Heavy Metals

#51 Meditation, Yoga, and Relaxation

#66 Optimal Relationships for More Evolved People

#87 Natural Health Care

88 Whole Food Way of Eating and Supplements

#89 Prayers

Let me know if you have any questions after taking these action steps.

I hope this helps you remember more deeply who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside you always. May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!


NOTE: To all subscribers, as long as my schedule allows, I will provide FREE answers to your biggest questions and holistic solutions for your toughest challenges. Just email me at for my brief but resource-packed personalized recommendations. (For those who want to work together more deeply, see Counseling & Coaching Sessions.)


Over the last 50 years,  I’ve created powerful resources for you and your loved ones. These powerful tools can help you awaken, heal, revitalize, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy this earthly experience.

You CAN handle life’s toughest difficulties with style, find meaning and blessings to adversity, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned. (The capitalized version of you denotes your higher self / totality of who you really are.)

FREE Resources

  1. Articles that provide answers and holistic solutions for the toughest questions and challenges people face during their earthly journey.
  2. Radio Shows with top experts on the afterlife, consciousness, and full potential living.  My guests included Wayne Dyer, Gary Schwartz, Caroline Myss, Brian Weiss, Anita Moorjani, Michael Newton, and other luminaries.
  3.  Videos on YouTube

Books and Audio Programs

Learn about these inexpensive but powerful resources at Shop.  For example, Past Life Regression or Pre-Birth Planning sessions with a highly trained therapist may cost $250 or more.  My $15 audio products provide a similar experience to a one-on-one session.  You can use the audio products repeatedly at home and share them with loved ones.  (I created the Facilitated After-Death Communication and Ask Your Soul, G.O.D., and Angels techniques and am not aware of anyone else offering those.)

NOTE: If you cannot afford the books and audio programs, email me at and we’ll send a free digital product.  (My goal is to make these life and world-transformative products as affordable and available to as many people as possible.)

Counseling & Coaching Sessions

Visit Shop to learn about these one-on-one sessions with me via Zoom.  I take a detailed history about you, your challenges / imbalances, and your goals.  Then I design a personalized holistic program to help you achieve your goals.  These sessions take 1 1/2 hours of my time, but the charge is only $125.  (Because of my busy schedule, I cannot offer these for free.)


I hope all this helps you more deeply remember who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside you always.  May you always know the big picture of life, share your greatest gifts, and enjoy the greatest life YOU have envisioned — no matter what is happening to or going on around you.

Hugs, love, blessings, and let it shine!
