by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

Note: If you already know the following information scroll down to the article title in maroon below the seven asterisks.  However, I strongly recommend reading this introduction until you really ‘own’ it.  In addition, post The Great News where you’ll see it every day.  

Over the last 15 years, and especially during 2019 – 2024, data from a series of experiments at the University of Arizona have definitively demonstrated scientifically that life continues after physical death.  This research was conducted by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former professor at Harvard and Yale, and pioneer in the fields of behavioral medicine and energy healing.  

Dr. Schwartz is assisted in this work by a team of electrical engineers, software developers, research assistants, evidential mediums, and postmaterial luminaries at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  (To learn more about the SoulPhone Project and lab, visit  To learn about postmaterial luminaries, see article #31 at 

The Demo SoulSwitch is a binary (Yes / No) SoulSwitch device that postmaterial persons (the so-called ‘deceased’) can use to answer questions, verify their identity, and begin providing information to help many people and our planet.  This device should be ready for beta testing by the summer of 2024.  After sessions with project volunteers and larger donors, we will share data that scientifically demonstrates life continues after bodily death.  However, this ‘reveal’ will initially occur as an ‘incremental trickle’ versus a ‘sudden splash’.   Over time and under optimal conditions, we will gradually amplify how widely this news is shared. 

Likewise, demonstrations of this technology will occur in a stepwise fashion.  We anticipate, but cannot guarantee, that full announcements and demonstrations will occur by spring 2025.  These decisions were made in April 2024 after many strategic planning discussions with core project team members.  The many factors involved are much more complex than you might imagine. 

See articles #1, 60, and 115 for an overview of the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that indicates – with 99.9% certainty – that consciousness survives bodily death.  This collective evidence also shows – with very high degrees of certainty – The Great News that you and everyone else:

  1. continue to live after your earthly body dies. 
  2. can interact with ‘departed’ loved ones now and after you pass on. 
  3. are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source Energy now and always. 
  4. receive guidance and support from angels, guides, master teachers, etc. 
  5. are sacredly interconnected with all people, animals, and nature. 
  6. have special purposes for having this earthly experience now. 
  7. may manifest in other simultaneous time / space realities now and after bodily death. 
  8. have everything you need to enjoy an optimal earthly experience – no matter what your past or current circumstances. 
  9. can find meaning, as well as opportunities for growth and service, amidst your toughest changes and challenges. 
  10. co-create how heavenly your life feels – whether living on earth or elsewhere – by your predominant thoughts, words and actions. 
  11. can likely use SoulPhone technology in the future to communicate with postmaterial loved ones and access wisdom from luminaries who can help us heal our world.  

Statements #1, 2, and 11 are based on definitive scientific research.  The other statements are based on: (a) clinical research: near-death experiences, past life memories and regressions, perinatal experiences, life between lives sessions, shared crossings, terminal lucidity cases, and deathbed visions; and (b) evidencefrom firsthand experiences: after-death communications, out-of-body experiences, spiritually transformative experiences, electronic voice projection / instrumental transcommunication, and other ways of knowing.

This is, obviously, a new and exciting era for humanity.  When understood and internalized – even just a bit – The Great News can help you make the shift:         

  • FROM thinking, believing, and acting as if your time on earth is unfair, meaningless, cruel, and ends with cessation of consciousness or the possibility of endless suffering. 
  • TO thinking, believing, and acting as if this earthly experience is a totally meaningful, safe, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.

Conscious language can help you adopt a greater reality perspective and live based on the second bulleted worldview.  And that, in turn, can help you create the greatest life YOU have envisioned, fulfill your purposes for being on earth, serve others, and enjoy a magnificent journey.  In the pursuit of using more conscious / accurate terms, l:   

  1. Will use the term ‘YOU’ to describe the totality of your energy / being. Your real self may manifest in different spacetime ways simultaneously since only approximately 50% of your consciousness is needed to have an earthly experience. The term ‘YOU’ recognizes both of these possibilities. 
  2. Won’t use the terms ‘die, departed, deceased, or dead’ without single quotation marks since those have strongly entrenched and erroneous meanings indicating an end of life. 
  3. Will use the terms ‘bodily death’ and ‘death of the earthly form’ to remind you that only the earth-suit dies. The rest – all the intelligence, love, personality, memories, preferences, sense of humor, and much more – continues living in other parts of the field of all possibilities. 
  4. Will use the terms changed worlds, passed on, transitioned and others that aptly describe a continuation of consciousness after bodily death. 
  5. Will primarily refer to those who have passed on as postmaterial persons. That term recognizes the points in #3. I also will use soul, consciousness, essence, and awareness. 
  6. Will primarily refer to ‘physical humans living on earth’ as material persons. Why? Because those terms within single quotation marks may apply to postmaterial persons.  That is, they can have physicality, visit earth, and are still human in meaningful ways.
  7. Will use the terms lower versus higher energies, emotions, and ways of being. These descriptors are not critical, judgmental, or subjective; rather, they are based on objective measures by, for example, David Hawkins PhD, MD author of Power Versus Force. He and other researchers found that higher-energy emotions of peace, joy, and love calibrate at 600, 540, and 500 respectively.  Conversely, lower-energy emotions of anger, fear, and guilt calibrate at 150, 100, and 30.  To be clear, energy / consciousness is who and what you really are, not just how you are feeling.  Your predominant energies create the quality of your life and the nature of your earthly or other time-space experience. 
  8. Will use single quotations marks with words such as ‘lose and fail’.  The Great News and collective afterlife evidence can expand your worldview about what seem to be losses and failures.  We can’t accurately judge the big picture of life – what is lost or how we failed – with our limited human senses.   

Note: To recognize and respect different genders and sexual identifications, I will alternate using ‘he’ or ‘she’ and related pronouns.  Depending on a person’s orientation, one, both, or neither of those may apply.

The free articles and radio shows mentioned are available at  To learn more about the collective afterlife evidence and The Great News, read Soul Proof, The Afterlife Evidence, Greater Reality Living (co-authored with Dr. Schwartz) and The Big Picture of Life (for ages 10 – 16 written with Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd).  To experience expanded states of consciousness to optimally heal and transform your life, use audio sessions under Shop at 

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A Good Death

I love squirrels.  They are beautiful, quick and playful.  I admire their ability to walk on high wires and jump from limb to limb.  Recently, our two cats were chasing each other in circles and a squirrel saw them and joined in.  Around and around they went until one of them realized that they weren’t all cats and the game was over.

A few weeks later while mowing, I found a squirrel lying in the grass.  It was alive and its eyes were open but it was paralyzed.  I covered the squirrel with a box and gave it a few hours to snap back but it continued to be immobile.  It was just a matter of time before a cat or dog found it, so I quickly put the little guy / gal out of its misery.

Last week, a patient told me about her eighty-year-old dad who has been in a nursing home for ten years because of severe dementia and a long list of serious health problems.  His blood pressure dropped severely and, surprise, they coded him and rushed him to the local hospital ICU.  Now he’s back in the nursing home, same as before.

We wouldn’t let an animal—a dog, cat or squirrel—suffer like that. Why are humans subjected to life-sustaining interventions when the quality of life is clearly over? And why isn’t euthanasia – which means good death–  option available for those who are hopelessly ill and ready to move on?  Here are a few reasons:

  1. A deep fear of death that makes some people do just about anything to hold on, even when life’s quality is gone

  2. An over-emphasis among health care providers on saving lives irrespective of quality of life issues.  Well-meaning doctors and nurses sometimes see death as an enemy, a failure, and something to be fought off at any cost

  3. Money.  Lots and lots of money is made by keeping people alive and needing expensive diagnostic tests and treatment.  U.S. health care industry costs are over $3 trillion per year.  About 30 percent of Medicare expenditures are spent on medical treatment during the last year of life.  This is literally breaking the U.S. financially.  Would we handle this situation differently if more people really knew about the certainty of afterlife and demanded sane health care?

  4. A disconnect between bioethics and medical technology advances.  Just because we can save people in advanced stages of decline doesn’t mean we should.  People should have the choice to say when enough is enough.

  5. Religious doctrines because the time of dying is considered God’s domain.  However, what about the injudicious use of medical technology that prolongs the time of dying by resuscitating decrepit bodies. Is that God’s will? What about using antibiotics to keep a hopelessly ill and very old person in a nursing home from dying of pneumonia.  The Almighty’s will again?  Supposedly knowing ‘the will of God’ is one of the biggest cons in history, but it works with some people.

When my eighty-year-old dad was dying from leukemia, he had a DNR (do not resuscitate) order in his chart.  Yet, when his blood pressure dropped severely in the middle of the night at the hospital, the nurses called his doctor who ordered medications to raise it.  Might this practice have more to do with profit than caring about a patient’s wishes and suffering?  Dad suffered greatly in the final week before finally passing on and his “health care” bills for those seven days were exorbitant.

When I worked in hospitals, I saw resuscitative efforts performed on numerous people who should have been allowed to die with dignity.  One example was a ninety-three year-old man who had heart, kidney, and lung failure.  He also had metastatic cancer and had lost two limbs to diabetes. 

Over the years, I’ve heard about many more stories like this.  Ask someone who works at a hospital how traumatizing these resuscitative efforts are to the patient.  What a way to spend the last hours of ones’ earth-experience.  For those who survive but are worse off for it, visit a nursing home to see “the rest of the story,” the poor souls who were resuscitated without good judgment.

What is most natural, right and soulful regarding this issue?

Clearly, the time to die should be a person’s choice and not a policy mandated by churches, government, or big business. Fiercely independent baby boomers are aging and dying. Maybe our “do your thing” generation will make it happen.

Effective ways for those who are ready to transition should be legal and available from compassionate physicians. People shouldn’t have to kill themselves by crude methods that sometimes don’t work. Years ago, an elderly minister and his wife—both facing imminent and irreversible declines in physical health and memory—chose to die and had to use carbon monoxide poisoning to do so. When ones’ health has deteriorated severely and there is no reasonable chance of improvement, there should be the choice of a quick and painless death without shame or social stigma.

Knowing that you are a forever being can shape how you live for the better. For example, current religious teachings, social mores, and laws make it difficult for aged and severely ill people to transition when they feel it’s time.

The shift toward having the right to die will happen when enough people demand it. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the disease care industry to spearhead it; there’s too much money at stake. And don’t wait for churches to bless it; many are too saddled with ancient dogmas to know what is soulful in these situations. Forget about the politicians; someone cries “they’re trying to kill granny!” and concern about votes outweighs public needs.

Who does that leave? The individual.

Again, the guiding question is: how would we handle end-of-life issues if we really knew—without a doubt—that our real selves are deathless, timeless, eternal?

Talk with your attorney and family members about this now. Create a living will with clear instructions to not be resuscitated if a sustained quality of life is not likely. Talk with others about this topic at church and groups. Now that we know that death is nothing to fear, surely we can approach this stage of life with a little more common sense and dignity.

I dedicate this article to my mother Virginia who is slowly but surely losing her mind, dignity, and functioning – and wants to pass on before it gets worse. 

In 2019, replicated scientific studies at the University of Arizona definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.

You may want to reread that sentence several times, then breathe a big sigh of relief. 

In addition to these and other scientific findings, much clinical and experiential (based on firsthand experiences) data make it clear that life continues after bodily death.  What’s more, this collective evidence supports the following:

  1. You are an integral part of Source Energy right now – not just if you believe or act a certain way.

  2. You will see your beloved ‘departed’ ones – people and pets – when you pass on and can likely do so now.

  3. You are interconnected with all people, thus the wisdom of the Golden Rule.

  4. You have special talents to share in this space / time slice of eternity

There are many other benefits that are supported by current evidence.  To learn more, read  Greater Reality Living by Dr. Gary E. Schwartz and me. 

One is that we can now use more compassionate ways to allow people to have a good death.  The end of the human body is not the end of the energy, soul, intelligence, memories, love, sense of humor, preferences, life force, and much more within. 

Knowing this fact – again, based on much scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence – takes blinding fear out of the equation so people can die with better timing and more dignity – a good death.  We can now address end-of-this-lifeissues with more wisdom, peace, and clarity.  Please note that I didn’t say ‘end-of-life’ but, rather, ‘end-of-this-life.’  There is a huge difference. 

Survival of consciousness evidence can now bring improved and more sensible end-of-this-life care into the 21st century.  

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In 2018, our beloved cat Lila developed several chronic health problems.  All the natural and orthodox treatments we tried were of no avail.  She lost a lot of weight, vomited often, lost bladder control, etc.  We knew, and our veterinarian agreed, that it was time for her to move on to that big cat playground in the sky.  Unlimited petting, snacks, mouse toys, and – of course – plenty of cat nip.  Ah, what a life!

Just before delivering the injection, the veterinarian said: “I hope I’m able to pass on in such a peaceful way when it’s my time.”  That led to a discussion of why pets can enjoy a quick and peaceful death when they are very old and have irresolvable pain or loss of functioning.  But humans have to suffer and lose dignity?  Who decided that?

Here’s a horribly sad, but true, example that highlights the need for better end-of-this-life solutions.  A December 30, 2019 New York Times front page story.  It was entitled: ‘Happily Married for 60 Years. Then Alzheimer’s. And a Gun.’  Ohio couple Richard and Alma Shaver had been married for 60 years.  They were always in love and had a great life together. 

However, she developed Alzheimer’s after 55 wonderful years of marriage.  Alma’s advanced dementia couldn’t be helped by doctors and was getting worse.  At one point, she screamed at her husband of six decades: “I don’t know who you are, get away from me, don’t touch me!”  Richard discovered that he had metastatic cancer and his COPD was getting worse.  They didn’t want to be a burden to their children and didn’t want to end up in a nursing home. 

So one day – after years of steady decline, medical bills, stress, and suffering – he shot his beloved sleeping wife.  Then he lay down beside her and shot himself. 

Can you imagine the mental and emotional pain he went through during that process? 

The official report ruled it a murder-homicide.  The news called it an act of domestic violence and example of gun abuse.  I call it a sad day when societal, legal, medical, and religious support systems failed these two eighty year-olds. 

In my opinion, three reasons why people often suffer, lose dignity, and slowly waste away before passing on include: (1.) fear of death, (2.) profit considerations, and (3.) religious dogma.

Let’s briefly look at each of these factors.

  1. Fear of Death: The great news? You can cross this one off your list. Dying is a totally safe and natural part of life, a gateway to the next phase of forever.  This statement could only be made responsibly and accurately based on scientific research as of 2019.  Cutting edge afterlife research has been conducted by a team led by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, senior professor at the University of Arizona and director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. 

Visit and to learn more about this research, and the many life and world-transformative ramifications. 

One of the paradigm shifts from the collective afterlife evidence will be how we handle end-of-this-life issues.  Here are real-life testimonials from people who were helped by learning the evidence that life continues after bodily death:

“I’m eighty-five-years old and, like most people, have had experiences we do not understand. You have helped me accept the death of my loved ones and believe I will soon be seeing them again. I have always believed in a life after this one; it helps to know there is good evidence for that.”

“I was blessed to sit with my mother-in-law during her passing and share the good news that you teach. It seemed to ease her dying hours and also be of comfort to my father-in-law. What I’ve learned from you leaves me with the conviction that there is indeed life after death. Thank you.”

“I have learned so much from your books. God bless you. I have always looked at death as a transition from plane to plane and body to body.  It is hard for me to go to funerals and see people weeping and grievously mourning their dead.  My inner voice is calling out to them: ‘You should be celebrating her death instead of crying.  She has gone back home to be with her beloved.’ At least that is how we Sikhs look at death and what I have learned in our religion and scriptures.”

  1. Profit Considerations. This factor is under your control. How?  By creating a Living Will and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order when you are healthy.  If you develop a serious health problem, also set up Comfort Care and Hospice contingencies so they are in place.  These approaches halt life-saving procedures when there is little chance of an extended quality of life.  Physician-assisted euthanasia – which means ‘good death’ – is legal in several states in the U.S. and some countries around the world.  Visit for an extensive reading list by top health care, legal, and religious / spiritual experts.

Note: even with one or more of the above legal documents, you may have to be very assertive with health care providers when it is time for your or a loved one’s timely death.  When my dad’s body was dying, he was given medication in the middle of the night for low blood pressure even though he had a DNR order.  He suffered for another ten days afterwards and – big clue here – an astronomical medical bill resulted. 

Several close friends have been yelled at by doctors for not wanting heroic measures on ninety-year-old relatives who had severe diseases and suffered for a long time.  “Don’t you love your mother?” one irate physician said, “We are trained to never give up on people.”  “We want to give her every chance to recover.”  All this when the patient’s clear desire – as spelled out in legal documents – was to change worlds without a tracheotomy, feeding tube, breathing assistance, and other interventions that may extend the quantity but not quality of life. 

Don’t get me wrong, most doctors and nurses really care about patients.  However, some still see death as a failure to be avoided at all costs.  They may fear death themselves and aren’t comfortable with allowing people to pass with dignity and timing.  In addition, there are profit considerations that they may or may not be aware of. 

According to several of my medical physician friends, doctors are expected to bring in a certain amount of high-cost tests, surgeries, and hospital admissions on a regular basis.  These doctors get lectured to and are even yelled at if they don’t bring in those big ticket items at a certain level.  Those who comply gain hospital staff privileges and perks; those who don’t lose them.  Notice how large many hospital complexes are now; it takes a lot of money to build and sustain all that. 

This isn’t a conspiracy theory or unfair anti-medical bias.  It’s a simple economic fact.  The disease care industry – primarily hospitals, medical device makers, and pharmaceutical companies – in the U.S. alone is now over $3 TRILLION per year.  It takes a lot of expensive tests, drugs, surgery, and hospitalizations to raise that level of income on a regular basis. 

Medical care can be amazing for crises and emergencies, but end-of-this-life care shouldn’t fall into that category.  

Very old and very ill people should have a choice about when and how they transition to the next phase of life.  Health care providers work for you, not the other way around.  Make sure that your wishes are clearly written out and given to your family members and attorney.  That gives you a clear voice if and when you can’t speak because of stroke or other rapid loss of speech and / or consciousness. 

Here is part of a recent email I sent to my children, fiancé, and attorney:

“I updated my Living Will so it clearly reflects my wishes.  I do not want to continue living on earth unless I: 

  1. have the ability to be independent and active.

  2. enjoy good mental clarity.

  3. can live with dignity. For example, I do not want help going to the bathroom.

As such, I do not want heroic measures performed if I have a severe stroke, heart attack, dementia, neuromuscular disorder (MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, etc), or other catastrophic illness or injury.  This is especially crucial if there is a significant chance that I will lose (a – c) above.

My wishes about this are especially sensible now that life after bodily death has been definitively demonstrated scientifically.  I do not want to hang on to this earthly body at any and all costs.  I hope we never have to cross this bridge but I want plans in place in case we do.”

Readers, you are welcome to use part or all of this and edit to match your wishes in the event of severe illness or injury.    

  1. Religious Dogma. Dogma means ‘a teaching or belief laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.’ This factor is also under your control since you can:

    a. learn updated evidence that bodily death is not the end of life.

    b. release archaic and fear-based religious teachings that aren’t based on contemporary knowledge, love, the Golden Rule, or common sense.

    c. join a more open-minded and less dogmatic church / spiritual center with pastors and resources that recognize the importance of a timely death with dignity.

In the past, some religious denominations tried to influence many areas of life.  They attempted to be involved in birth, marriage, death, and more.  Some of the ministers and leaders were acting with loving kindness.  Unfortunately, politics, fame, fortune, and control were at least partially behind some of these interventions. 

From this era came outmoded beliefs that ‘only God can decide when it is time to die.’  Of course, this platitude is used when convenient and ignored when not.  For example, consider a 92 year-old person who had metastatic cancer, multiple organ failure, and two limbs already amputated.  When he tried to move on to greener pastures, he was ‘coded’ for hours including being shocked, have arterial lines put in, breathing tube, and more. 

I was there and know firsthand this actually happens.  Was that God’s will or the hospital’s that profited greatly from all of those procedures?   The concept of ‘God’s will’ has been misused over the millennia by many who want to exert control and make money from the trusting masses.  Armed with the information in this article, you can make an informed choice based on what YOU – and your relationship with Creator, if any – deem best. 

I shouldn’t have to even mention the following, but there are an increasing number of mentally imbalanced people in our world including some supposed leaders.  (To learn more about the core causes and holistic solutions of this, see my book Radiant Wellness.)  You should have a choice about how and when to end your earthly experience providing:

  • Your decision is informed and well thought out. Consider, for example, the difference between:
    (a.) a very elderly and ill person who chooses euthanasia after consulting with family, health care providers, and ministers

    (b.) a twenty-year old who impulsively attempts suicide without reaching out for help after a first love break-up.

  • Your method of transitioning doesn’t harm others. For example, turning on the gas of the stove may asphyxiate the person who wants to die, but it may also cause an explosion that could hurt or kill neighbors. 

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My mom is 89 years old and in a slow decline with pain and other symptoms most days.  She is slowly but surely losing her ability to function, remember, think clearly, and live with dignity.  Mom has been ready to pass on for 12 years since my dad transitioned from earth.  Every night, she prays that she will be able to move on to be with him and her many loved ones who have returned Home.  

She still lives independently thanks to her three children, grandchildren, caregivers, neighbors, and social agencies that help out.  But we are all very busy and mom knows she has become an imposition. 

Mom has lived a long and good life.  She fears that her mental and physical decline will become much worse if she doesn’t pass on soon.  She doesn’t want to squander the money she and dad saved on needless medical tests and treatments that can’t improve the quality of her life.  Mom would love to have a peaceful and painless way of passing. She doesn’t want to resort to violent methods of suicide that might fail and make matters worse.  She doesn’t want to upset or shame family members or possibly hurt others by her attempt. 

And she shouldn’t have to go through all this after being a wonderful wife, mother, grandma, grandma, aunt, sister, church member, community member, and service provider.    

I know a couple in Florida who have a bio-hazard cleaning business.  They told me that 90% of their jobs involve cleaning up blood from senior citizens who cut their wrists during a suicide attempt.  Is this the best we can do for our elders?

There is a better way.  That change will only occur as more people demand choice in how they live and die.   Perhaps more people will demand that change now that we know that life continues after bodily death.    

6 12 23 postscript: Mom passed on 4 weeks ago, 16 years to the day that her husband and my dad changed worlds.  She required an in-home care giver during the last two months of her time on earth.  Her memory loss and mental confusion significantly worsened, especially over the last several months.  Near the end, she couldn’t function on her own, had to wear diapers, couldn’t walk without assistance, and lost all her dignity.  She didn’t want to reach that stage, but also didn’t want to expedite her passing.  It’s a tough call. 

Some people claim, and I’ve lost track of the references, that a tremendous amount of inner / spiritual work can occur during such times.  I can see that this may have been the case with mom.  She had lots of time to review the past and talk through various ‘should have / would have / could have’ situations.  Mom also had a chance to talk about her fears: Would she really be with my dad again?  How would she know what to do after dying? and other understandable concerns. 

That process is similar to a life review (see article #45) and presents an opportunity to not carry one’s ‘dirty laundry’ into the next phase of life.  From that perspective, who can say whether her suffering and loss of independence were worth it or not. 

Of note, she had two ‘death bed visions’ several days before her passing.  She had slept most of the time for two weeks and only awakened a few times a day while mumbling incoherent phrases.  However, these two events suggested that ‘departed’ loved ones were present to assist her journey back Home.  During the first, she tried to get out of her hospital bed.  Her caregiver asked what she needed and mom said ‘Bill and June are here.  I’ve got to get ready to go with them.’  (Bill was her husband and June was her beloved sister.)  The second time, after another attempt to get out of bed, she said ‘I’ve got to pack.  I’m going on vacation.’  The family was heartened by these indications that she was surrounded by loved ones who would aid her transition to the next phase of life. 

The dying process of my mom gave me a chance to consider my thoughts about ‘a good death’.  It’s clearly an individual matter and, in my opinion, shouldn’t be controlled by church or state.  Personally, I would not choose to experience the severe physical and mental changes and many negative accompaniments of that.  I also wouldn’t put my loved ones through all that.   Finally, I wouldn’t waste their inheritance, time, and energy by postponing the inevitable.  But mom’s situation and mine are different.  I don’t judge her choice to go through the entire downhill decline but, at this time, I don’t think it would be for me.  Perhaps my views will change when I’m the patient.  And, hopefully, there will be more and better options than mom had.              

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Thank you for sharing this article with others who can use it.

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of the SoulPhone Foundation
Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups
Research assistant for the SoulPhone Project

University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.   The SoulPhone Project will very likely allow widespread communication with post-material (“deceased”) loved ones and luminaries who want to help us heal our world.  How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar / workshop facilitator.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  Mark directs The Soul Phone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living Groups, and assists research on the SoulPhone Project.

Dr. Pitstick’s goal is to help you know and show– no matter what is happening to or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  Visit for free articles, newsletters, and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.  Other resources include his very reasonably priced books, audio-products, and documentary. 

Note: Because of his many outreaches, Dr. Pitstick can no longer answer complex and/or multiple questions.  However, he has created many resources to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges . . .  

FREE Articles, Radio Shows, and E-Newsletters

– Articles for Transformation and Healing (top tab Articles at address the most common questions, concerns, and challenges about life, death, and afterlife.  

– Radio Shows (top tab Radio Shows at share his answers and those of top experts to life’s biggest questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God?  Why is there so much suffering?  Why do children die?” and others.  

– E-Newsletters (sign up on any page at

Audio-Products, Books, and Documentary

Transformational Audio Products  (see Shop at provide quality sessions at home for a fraction of the cost of an office visit.  These CDs and digital audios use deep relaxation, visualization, breathwork, and/or other techniques to: access your inner wisdom, visit with “departed” loved ones, release old wounds and lower energy emotions, evaluate your pre-birth planning, have past life regressions, and other goals. 

Books and Documentary (Shop at provide information and strategies to help you more deeply realize and demonstrate that:

  • you are a forever being of energy / consciousness
  • the many wonderful benefits of realizing this 
  • how to reflect this great news in every aspect of your life — even when confronted with big challenges and changes

Webinars and Workshops: to learn about these, subscribe to newsletters at and (Classes & Interviews at

Greater Reality Living Groups: these local and online groups share information from Dr. Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other experts on consciousness and holistic wellness topics.  (Visit Greater Reality Living at

Coaching / Counseling Sessionmeet with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your toughest questions and holistic solutions to your biggest challenges.  (Shop at

Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s remarks are based on his personal and professional training and experience during forty-eight years of helping many thousands of people.  Collective clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence supports some, but not all, of what he shares.  Mark’s views may change over time, and he does not claim to have all the answers or the only answers.  Dr. Pitstick encourages you to consider this information and decide for yourself what makes the most sense.  Note: the articles and other resources at his site are NOT purely based on scientific research as is the SoulPhone Project.