by Mark Pitstick MA, DC

Note: If you already know the following information scroll down to the article title in maroon below the seven asterisks.  However, I strongly recommend reading this introduction until you really ‘own’ it.  In addition, post The Great News where you’ll see it every day.  

Over the last 15 years, and especially during 2019 – 2024, data from a series of experiments at the University of Arizona have definitively demonstrated scientifically that life continues after physical death.  This research was conducted by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former professor at Harvard and Yale, and pioneer in the fields of behavioral medicine and energy healing.  

Dr. Schwartz is assisted in this work by a team of electrical engineers, software developers, research assistants, evidential mediums, and postmaterial luminaries at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  (To learn more about the SoulPhone Project and lab, visit  To learn about postmaterial luminaries, see article #31 at 

The Demo SoulSwitch is a binary (Yes / No) SoulSwitch device that postmaterial persons (the so-called ‘deceased’) can use to answer questions, verify their identity, and begin providing information to help many people and our planet.  This device should be ready for beta testing by the summer of 2024.  After sessions with project volunteers and larger donors, we will share data that scientifically demonstrates life continues after bodily death.  However, this ‘reveal’ will initially occur as an ‘incremental trickle’ versus a ‘sudden splash’.   Over time and under optimal conditions, we will gradually amplify how widely this news is shared. 

Likewise, demonstrations of this technology will occur in a stepwise fashion.  We anticipate, but cannot guarantee, that full announcements and demonstrations will occur by spring 2025.  These decisions were made in April 2024 after many strategic planning discussions with core project team members.  The many factors involved are much more complex than you might imagine. 

See articles #1, 60, and 115 for an overview of the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that indicates – with 99.9% certainty – that consciousness survives bodily death.  This collective evidence also shows – with very high degrees of certainty – The Great News that you and everyone else:

  1. continue to live after your earthly body dies.

  2. can interact with ‘departed’ loved ones now and after you pass on.

  3. are integral, infinite, eternal, and beloved parts of Source Energy now and always.
  4. receive guidance and support from angels, guides, master teachers, etc.

  5. are sacredly interconnected with all people, animals, and nature.

  6. have special purposes for having this earthly experience now.

  7. may manifest in other simultaneous time / space realities now and after bodily death.

  8. have everything you need to enjoy an optimal earthly experience – no matter what your past or current circumstances.

  9. can find meaning, as well as opportunities for growth and service, amidst your toughest changes and challenges.

  10. co-create how heavenly your life feels – whether living on earth or elsewhere – by your predominant thoughts, words and actions.

  11. can likely use SoulPhone technology in the future to communicate with postmaterial loved ones and access wisdom from luminaries who can help us heal our world.  

Statements #1, 2, and 11 are based on definitive scientific research.  The other statements are based on: (a) clinical research: near-death experiences, past life memories and regressions, perinatal experiences, life between lives sessions, shared crossings, terminal lucidity cases, and deathbed visions; and (b) evidencefrom firsthand experiences: after-death communications, out-of-body experiences, spiritually transformative experiences, electronic voice projection / instrumental transcommunication, and other ways of knowing.

This is, obviously, a new and exciting era for humanity.  When understood and internalized – even just a bit – The Great News can help you make the shift:         

  • FROM thinking, believing, and acting as if your time on earth is unfair, meaningless, cruel, and ends with cessation of consciousness or the possibility of endless suffering.
  • TO thinking, believing, and acting as if this earthly experience is a totally meaningful, safe, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.

Conscious language can help you adopt a greater reality perspective and live based on the second bulleted worldview.  And that, in turn, can help you create the greatest life YOU have envisioned, fulfill your purposes for being on earth, serve others, and enjoy a magnificent journey.  In the pursuit of using more conscious / accurate terms, l:   

  1. Will use the term ‘YOU’ to describe the totality of your energy / being. Your real self may manifest in different spacetime ways simultaneously since only approximately 50% of your consciousness is needed to have an earthly experience. The term ‘YOU’ recognizes both of these possibilities.

  2. Won’t use the terms ‘die, departed, deceased, or dead’ without single quotation marks since those have strongly entrenched and erroneous meanings indicating an end of life.

  3. Will use the terms ‘bodily death’ and ‘death of the earthly form’ to remind you that only the earth-suit dies. The rest – all the intelligence, love, personality, memories, preferences, sense of humor, and much more – continues living in other parts of the field of all possibilities.

  4. Will use the terms changed worlds, passed on, transitioned and others that aptly describe a continuation of consciousness after bodily death.

  5. Will primarily refer to those who have passed on as postmaterial persons. That term recognizes the points in #3. I also will use soul, consciousness, essence, and awareness

  6. Will primarily refer to ‘physical humans living on earth’ as material persons. Why? Because those terms within single quotation marks may apply to postmaterial persons.  That is, they can have physicality, visit earth, and are still human in meaningful ways.  
  7. Will use the terms lower versus higher energies, emotions, and ways of being. These descriptors are not critical, judgmental, or subjective; rather, they are based on objective measures by, for example, David Hawkins PhD, MD author of Power Versus Force. He and other researchers found that higher-energy emotions of peace, joy, and love calibrate at 600, 540, and 500 respectively.  Conversely, lower-energy emotions of anger, fear, and guilt calibrate at 150, 100, and 30.  To be clear, energy / consciousness is who and what you really are, not just how you are feeling.  Your predominant energies create the quality of your life and the nature of your earthly or other time-space experience.
  8. Will use single quotations marks with words such as ‘lose and fail’.  The Great News and collective afterlife evidence can expand your worldview about what seem to be losses and failures.  We can’t accurately judge the big picture of life – what is lost or how we failed – with our limited human senses.   

Note: To recognize and respect different genders and sexual identifications, I will alternate using ‘he’ or ‘she’ and related pronouns.  Depending on a person’s orientation, one, both, or neither of those may apply.

The free articles and radio shows mentioned are available at  To learn more about the collective afterlife evidence and The Great News, read Soul Proof, The Afterlife Evidence, Greater Reality Living (co-authored with Dr. Schwartz) and The Big Picture of Life (for ages 10 – 16 written with Schwartz and Katta Mapes MA, MEd).  To experience expanded states of consciousness to optimally heal and transform your life, use audio sessions under Shop at 

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When a Loved One Passes On by Suicide

Family and friends of a person whose body died by suicide are understandably deeply devastated.  They often feel guilty about what they could or shouldn’t have done or said to prevent it.  Loved ones on earth may justifiably feel angry or resentful for all the pain and loss, but then feel guilty about that.  Family members sometimes face judgment and avoidance from supposed friends and self-righteous ministers.  The grief of those left behind might be amplified by fears about the fate of their loved one’s soul.

Some ‘fire and brimstone’ denominations based on Dark Ages concepts still teach that ending one’s earthly experience is a sure ticket to a fiery eternal hell.  Let’s consider this topic with just an ounce of sense and compassion for a moment, shall we?  Consider the following fictional story . . .

‘When I was a child, my father – whose love knew no bounds – and I were talking.  I told him that I was suffering horribly both physically and mentally.  I was in such anguish, I told him, that I wished I would die.  My loving father, in his infinite wisdom, decided to burn me in a flaming room for as long as he lived.’

What good earthly father would react that way?  And yet, somehow, we are expected to believe that the Creator and Sustainer of the entire cosmos lacks understanding and real love?  That He would even consider punishing His children who are suffering so profoundly for an instant?  (Replace the pronoun ‘He’ with ‘She’ and any question of suicide being an unforgiveable and punishable sin becomes even more ridiculous.)

Fortunately, in 2020, we can see things more clearly.  Much contemporary evidence shows that no such place as a fiery eternal hell exists.  To learn more about this topic, see article #14: Heaven and Hell: What Are They Really?  Indications are that everyone can eventually enter the Light after dying—even those who pass on by suicide.

The Light / Universe / One Mind doesn’t reject or judge; rather, it is always embracing and available.  Those who don’t realize they are one with Source Energy right now can awaken to their true nature whenever they believe they are worthy of it.  The ‘prodigal son’ story in The Bible is a wonderful way of describing how life is set up.

Evidence for this perspective includes input from documented near-death experiences (NDEs), after-death communications (ADCs), evidential mediums, life between lives (LBL) sessions, more enlightened religious / spiritual teachings, and common sense about how a fair and loving Creator would act.

What you must know when a loved one’s body dies by suicide . . .

1.  Suicide is NOT an unforgiveable sin. In the New Testament, ‘blasphemy against the Spirit’ is described as being unforgivable. Pretty vague for such a monstrous claim, right?

This belief from the Middle Ages is a perfect control device since people projected that whatever they were doing was IT.  But think about it.  What good earthly parent would never forgive their child, no matter what the transgression?  Wouldn’t you expect the Power and Intelligence that created and sustains the cosmos to be at least that loving?

To understand more about current understandings of Source, see article #13 What Is G.O.D. Really Like?  To me, saying the Divine is not forgiving about anything is blasphemous.

I and eleven great minds about consciousness topics – Raymond Moody, Caroline Myss, Anita Moorjani, Gary Schwartz, and others – discuss contemporary understandings about this and other big questions about life in The Eleven Questions.

2. You will see her again. Again, she didn’t destroy her entire self, just the earthly part that housed her spirit / consciousness for a brief while. It’s impossible to kill your essence so you’ll see her again.  A renewal of your relationship may happen when you pass on or it could happen today.  Over 75 million Americans have experienced an After-Death Communication with loved ones whose bodies died so stay alert for subtle signs or unusual events.

Here’s one way for this information to sink in more deeply . . . imagine that your dearest loved one was in a horrible auto accident.  You arrived on the scene to find the car caved in and totaled.  You couldn’t imagine that he survived, but, somehow, he did.  Consider how happy you would feel to learn that he was still alive. 

That is the same reaction you can now choose to have about a dear one who ended his earthly experience.  Only the bodily vehicle that briefly housed his spirit was destroyed.  Over 99.9% of who and what he is continues to be is still very much alive and well – much like the fellow who survived the totaled car.  Perhaps you can focus on that great news to heal more quickly and transform to helping others.

3. He won’t receive external judgement or punishment. Reports from multiple sources maintain there is no external judgment from angels, guides, master teachers, or whatever terms you prefer for evolved energies. Likewise, the Light / Source does not sentence or punish anyone for anything – even suicide.

However, the person who passed on that way – depending on the circumstances – may not initially accept his actions and forgive himself.  That can create the need for temporary sleep, rehabilitation, and counseling as the person arriving to the next stage of life adapts to what happened and how he can do better the next time.  This view is perhaps best understood by learning more about the life review portion of near-death experiences.  See article #45: The Life Review: What Would Yours Feel Today?

What do I mean by ‘depending on the circumstances’?  Let’s consider two ends of the spectrum although each person and situation is unique.  (To be clear, I am not judging or simplifying the pain, lack of clarity, and/or imbalance a person endures before choosing suicide.)  Consider, for example, the difference between:

(a.) a very elderly, ill, and/or incapacitated person who chooses euthanasia

(b.) a teenager who impulsively chooses suicide after a first love break-up

Some clinical information about how these individuals feel afterwards comes from Life Between Lives and evidential mediums sessions.  Those in group (a.) usually do not feel remorse about their decision, nor do they need rest and rehab because of the way they passed.  Those in group (b.) sometimes report feeling regret that they didn’t try harder or wait to see if time healed their suffering.  Because of the circumstances before and during their bodily death, those in group (b.) may initially need more rest and counsel.

In the cosmic scheme of things, however, both are just another experience – much like falling down, or not, when first learning to walk.
Judgment, condemnation, and punishment are earthly traits that uninformed humans have inaccurately attributed to the Creator and Sustainer of all life.  These people – some of them supposed religious teachers who profited from spreading fear instead of love and compassion – made God in their image.

Higher energy beings of all types – whether angels or humans – understand the pain, lack of clarity, and / or imbalance your loved one must have felt to destroy his physical body.  Those in nonearthly realms react to him with love, healing, guidance, and assistance.  Those on earth who are awakened to the greater reality can do the same.  

4. She was lovingly tended to after her death.
Life Source knows how difficult an earthly incarnation was for your dear one who chose suicide. She was lovingly and respectfully cared for by angels and guides in an environment characterized by peace, understanding, patience, and compassion.  Your dear one was also likely nurtured and comforted by puppies, kittens, fawns, and other manifestations of unconditional love.  It was a perfect way for her to start the process of forgiving herself – if that was needed – and reentering the stream of life.   

5. He didn’t want to hurt you or anyone. Have you ever said or done something you regretted later? Of course, we all have.  The same thing is true with your loved one who terminated his physical body.  He didn’t mean to devastate you.  He did the best he could given his physical and/or mental state at the time.  Suicide notes often contain a variation of the following sentence: “I’m sorry.  I just couldn’t handle it anymore.”

If you could hear him right now, he would apologize and make it clear that he never wanted to hurt you or anyone else. He would let you know that he is still very much alive.  Consider, too, the possibility that the potential for suicide may have been designed to help others (see article #25 Did My Soul REALLY Plan All This?).  Whatever the case, what happened can be an opportunity for you and he to heal, learn, grow, and serve others now and in the future.

6. She was likely imbalanced, in severe pain, and/or ready to move on. I’ve mentioned this before but it’s so important to remember. In the 21st century, there are numerous ways the brain can become imbalanced.  In my clinical experience – and that of other holistic / integrative physicians – these may include: excess chemicals and heavy metals; prescription and recreational drugs; vaccines; nutrient deficient food; impure water; overstimulation by sugar; sugar substitutes and other chemicals in food; overuse of video games and other mentally stimulating computer exposure; bullying; feeling alienated; depression and anxiety due to above factors; and more.

In addition, there are the chronic stresses and difficulties that go with living on this planet at this time.  It’s a lot to bear and some people just can’t continue on.  We who are informed and balanced can address the core problems so others don’t suffer too.  For more on this vital topic, see my book Radiant Wellness and Greater Reality Living.

7. Do not worry about his soul. From an earthly perspective, it may appear horribly tragic and worrisome that he killed his physical body. From a broader perspective, however, suicide is a way for a soul to return Home. His soul will be just fine.

Good evidence, for example, from Michael Newton PhD and Joseph Gallenberger PhD, indicates that those who end their earthly experience by suicide may need to rest and heal for some time after physical death.  But you can be assured that he will be lovingly attended to like the integral, eternal, infinite, and beloved part of Life that he is.

8. Do not hold yourself accountable. It’s common to feel responsible or guilty when a loved one passes on by suicide. Some people torture themselves with thoughts of, “If only I had done this” or “If only I hadn’t said that.”  If you could hear your departed loved one clearly, she would lovingly urge you to stop all that.  Obsessing about what you should have, would have, or could have done isn’t productive here or in the hereafter.   

9. Don’t be ashamed. Some family or friends may judge or shun you. It’s a great way to erase insensitive and ignorant people from your relationship list.  On the other hand, they may just be uncomfortable and not know what to say. Showing them this article is a start.  It’s past time to drop the stigma associated with suicide.  It is time to remember that people are, at their core, deathless beings who are doing the best they can given their current level of awareness, balance, and resources.

10. You can learn and grow from this experience. There are usually – or, perhaps, always – silver linings to life’s clouds. I encourage you to look for the blessings to this one.  Using awareness enhancing practices such as regular meditation, prayer, and quiet time in nature can help you find ways to honor the bodily death of your loved one.  You can transform your pain and grief into a spiritually transformative experience and loving service to others.  By taking these high roads, you also create more meaning to her life and death.

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Suicide Pre-Planning?

Recently, I shared my webinar When a Child Changes Worlds: How to Survive and Even Thrive with a wonderful group of bereaved parents.  There were many questions about suicide, particularly regarding whether suicide might be pre-planned.

By the way, understanding that there may a pre-planned possibility for suicide doesn’t negate the importance of doing everything we can to prevent it, especially in young people.  It does, however, provide more hope and an expanded perspective when it happens.

One mother shared that her five-year-old son told her several times, “I’m going to die when I’m thirty.”  He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his twenties and, after suffering for years, died by suicide at age 30.  Was that just a silly talk by a child, coincidence, or was there some spiritual preplanning involved?

That night, it seemed I was being taught more about this matter by higher beings.  Or maybe my mind was ruminating about the topic.  Upon awakening, I wrote these notes:

  • We can’t fathom the degree of love, wisdom, and caring inherent in every aspect of the cosmos. That’s a bottom line to remember when trying to understand life’s most difficult quandaries.
  • Suicide causes such devastation to surviving loved ones that my mind reels at the thought of it being preplanned. However, when it comes to grasping ultimate truths, I’m like a kindergartener trying to understand advanced mathematics behind high-energy quantum physics.

Last week, I observed distant nebulae and galaxies through a large telescope at the Kitts Peak National Observatory in Arizona.  That wonderful experience reminded me how vast the universe is and how limited my unaided eyesight is.  Seeing through 230X magnification also made a strong case for being cautious when making definitive statements about any aspects of reality.

Regarding the question, “Do souls ever preplan to end their earthly experience by suicide?  And, if so, why?” my honest answer is that I don’t know.  A wide array of opinions about those questions also exists among my colleagues in the consciousness arena.  After my mind-stretch from the parent’s group and telescope, I can imagine that the following reasons for suicide might be involved:

    A. Her real self desired to develop more love and compassion so it volunteered to experience immense despair. She wanted to grow and evolve so much that she was willing to skate on thin ice that could lead to suicidal ideation and intention.  The essence of her family and friends were likewise willing to risk having their human hearts broken to support their soulmate’s plan.  One possible outcome is that she would live a long time on earth, achieve her goals, and remain balanced.  When experiencing deep torment over time, however, suicide is a real possibility.

Her consciousness, that benefitted from a more unobstructed view of Life, knew that her earthly experience lasted only a blink of an eye.  Her timeless self realized she is one with the One and part of Source Energy now and always.  Finally, her awareness remembered that she will see her dear ones again here and in the hereafter.  As such, the possibility of suicide was considered worthwhile for the potential growth in love, compassion, evolution, and service to others.

     B. The person might have fulfilled a necessary role for another.   A soulmate – we have about twenty primary and a larger number of secondary ones – might have needed to experience a dear one passing on by suicide.  So the person who crossed on via suicide, out of love, agreed to help her.  Imagine that a soul I’ll call Ruth chose suicide on numerous occasions in other times / places when persistence and not giving up were preplanned goals.  As a result, her soul growth was thwarted and immense pain was felt by family and friends.  In an attempt to help, one of Ruth’s soul group, perhaps a child or other family member, chose to possibly cross over by suicide.  That allowed Ruth to experience the pain, suffering, guilt, etc. of losing a dear one that way.  That firsthand experience will hopefully help Ruth’s soul persevere the next time around.

C. Suicide may have been a timely way to return Home.
  When it’s time to go back to The Really Real Place, there are only six possibilities: fatal accident, terminal disease, murder, suicide, old age (natural causes), and unknown causes.  The soul who returned to the Field of All Possibilities via suicide to help Ruth may have benefited because a long earthly experience wasn’t really needed.  He may also have covered bases (A) and (D) at the same time.  As such, what appeared to be a senseless tragedy from a limited human perspective may have been a quadruple win.

D. Physical death by suicide may have been a way to help others and the world.
 So many young people are passing on by suicide these days.  Could it be that their souls love so much that they were willing to suffer to wake up others?  (See common causes of suicide under #6 above.)

These factors can result in feelings of depression, anxiety, alienation, impulsivity, etc. and stack the deck for physical death by suicide.  That’s why holistic solutions are needed to address the core causes of suicide, mental imbalances, addiction, and other common problems that affect everyone involved.  For more information about prevention and treatment of these, see my book Radiant Wellness.

A team of skilled natural care practitioners is especially important.  In my opinion, the most powerful natural approaches include specific spinal and cranial bone adjustments, acupuncture, deep tissue massage, personalized nutritional healing program (to find a practitioner near you, visit or, and homeopathy.

E. Death by suicide provides a relief valve.
  Because love, peace, and other higher energies are the basis of reality, it makes sense that “escape routes” would be designed for difficult experiences like an earthly incarnation.  Suicide is a way for a soul to say, “I can’t take this anymore.  It’s too difficult and painful.”  I have to respect this and cannot judge what that point is for others.  Everyone is different and we can’t fully understand what it’s like for others.  Who can say when enough is enough for that person?  The decision to end one’s earthly experience can, ultimately, only be made by the person involved.

In the best of all worlds, each person’s unique needs and imbalances would be addressed using safe, affordable, natural, and effective approaches.  But, all too often, I hear the opposite:

  • Preachers tell suffering people that they must believe a certain way and do certain things or they will suffer in hell for eternity
  • People with depression and other severe ‘mental’ symptoms are given potentially harmful drugs or bizarre treatments such as electro-convulsive shock therapy. The underlying physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual causes are often not asked about or considered.
  • Funds exist to wage needless wars but not to provide optimal food, counseling, health care, and other support for all people – especially those in need.
  • Insurance companies often cover drug and surgical approaches with potential side-effects, but not safer natural care. Many can’t afford to pay for their health care so they must use more invasive and dangerous measures.
  • Some people distance themselves – or, worse – ridicule, bully, or judge those with different skin color, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. This adds to the cumulative stress of a person who is feeling suicidal.

Evaluating whether suicide is a lower or higher-energy path can only be made from a wise perspective that sees the big picture.  Reports from evidential mediums and spiritual regressions provide useful insights about this topic.  For example, consider a soul who passed on via suicide several earthly incarnations in a row.  This postmaterial person had tendencies to give up too soon and push the reset button.  So, this time around, the soul’s intention was to work through difficulties and persevere.  By definition, suicide was not in alignment with prebirth planning and goals.

In other scenarios, suicide may be a high-energy path.  The thirty-year-old son with schizophrenia who ended this earth-experience by suicide may have preplanned that way of passing on for one or more of the reasons under (A) – (D).  Perhaps his five-year-old version recalled that potential escape route and thus told his mother about it.

Could it be that his soul wasn’t meant to live a long earthly life?  Or maybe he just couldn’t cope with the mental anguish and confusion that accompanied his body / mind imbalance.  Is it possible that his method of physical death will motivate health care professionals to address core causes of mental symptoms and, as a result, help many more people?

I thank and honor the bereaved parents whose obvious pain and heartache motivated me to wrestle with these topics more deeply than before.  Their children’s passing will no doubt plant other vital seeds that will take root and bless others.

Might souls sometimes choose suicide for good reasons that we can’t understand from our limited human perspective?  I can imagine this is the case.  Could it be that even an event as shocking and painful as suicide serves longer range goals of everyone involved? Might life be so magnificently set up that even suicide can create more peace, love, joy, harmony, and compassion when we look for the blessings and meaning?

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Action steps when a loved one passes on by suicide . . .

  1. Read the free articles #1 Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life and #60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Bodily Death at Soul Proof.  These provide solid documentation that bodily death is not the end of life – no matter how a person transitions from earth.
  2. Read the books Soul Proof and Greater Reality Living to learn more evidence that consciousness continues after the human form perishes.
  3. Read this article again and discuss with close family and friends to more deeply internalize the information.
  4. Use the Holistic Breathing Technique to release pain, guilt, anger, and other emotions / energies that people often feel when a loved one passes on by suicide.
  5. Read article #12 7 Keys to Holistically Fine-Tune Yourself to learn how to care for yourself as you recover from this shock.
  6. If the person who chose suicide was a child in your life, contact Helping Parents Heal Special Interest Groups.I’ve been part of this organization since 2014 and highly recommend their resources.
  7. Consider getting in touch with Survivors of Suicide, a support group specifically for people with a loved one who died by suicide.  I don’t have direct experience with this group but their website contains numerous resources.
  8. Read the Suicide: Not An Unforgivable Sin section in the Religion & Spirituality Input chapter of my book Soul Proof.  This will help you better know that a loving and wise Creator wouldn’t condemn any of It’s creation to a fiery eternal hell for any reason.
  9. Listen to free Radio Showsin which I and other consciousness experts discuss the question, “What happens to the essence / soul of those who pass on by suicide?”
  10. When you are ready, two ways to develop a meaningful but different relationship with your “departed” loved one include:- Read article #9: Visiting “Departed” Loved Ones Now and take action steps including doing Facilitated After-Death Communication sessions.– Have a session with an excellent medium who has been objectively evaluated and certified. To learn more, see article #6 Evidential Mediums.

Over time, most people increasingly realize that their loved ones, even after suicide, are very much alive, well, and near.  They are – or soon will be after rest and rehabilitation – happy, peaceful, and living fully in the here and now . . . and they want you to be the same way.  

Knowing this doesn’t totally and immediately remove the grief and sadness, but it usually lightens it over time.  In addition, your suffering can serve others and enlighten you.  And those are the reasons souls volunteer to go through such pain: to grow, serve, remember their true nature, and expand love and peace in our world.

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Your life, and that of others around you, will be more enriched when you:  

  1. read this article again within a few days so you really own it. 
  2. take recommended action steps that seem right for you. 
  3. take recommended action steps that seem right for you. 
  4. share it with others who can use it.

Thank you for sharing this article with others who can use it.

Let it shine,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of the SoulPhone Foundation
Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups
Research assistant for the SoulPhone Project

University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death.   The SoulPhone Project will very likely allow widespread communication with post-material (“deceased”) loved ones and luminaries who want to help us heal our world.  How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s level clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar / workshop facilitator.  He has also helped others in pastoral counseling and suicide prevention / education settings.  Mark directs The Soul Phone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living Groups, and assists research on the SoulPhone Project.

Dr. Pitstick’s goal is to help you know and show– no matter what is happening to or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  Visit for free articles, newsletters, and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.  Other resources include his very reasonably priced books, audio-products, and documentary.

Note: Because of his many outreaches, Dr. Pitstick can no longer answer complex and/or multiple questions.  However, he has created many resources to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges . . .  


– Articles for Transformation and Healing (top tab Articles at address the most common questions, concerns, and challenges about life, death, and afterlife.

– Radio Shows (top tab Radio Shows at share his answers and those of top experts to life’s biggest questions: “Who am I? Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God?  Why is there so much suffering?  Why do children die?” and others.

– E-Newsletters (sign up on any page at


 Transformational Audio Products  (see Shop at provide quality sessions at home for a fraction of the cost of an office visit.  These CDs and digital audios use deep relaxation, visualization, breathwork, and/or other techniques to: access your inner wisdom, visit with “departed” loved ones, release old wounds and lower energy emotions, evaluate your pre-birth planning, have past life regressions, and other goals.

Books and Documentary (Shop at provide information and strategies to help you more deeply realize and demonstrate:

  • you are a forever being of energy / consciousness
  • the many wonderful benefits of realizing this
  • how to reflect this great news in every aspect of your life — even when confronted with big challenges and changes

Webinars and Workshops: to learn about these, subscribe to newsletters at and (Classes & Interviews at

Greater Reality Living Groups: these local and online groups share information from Dr. Pitstick, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other experts on consciousness and holistic wellness topics.  (Visit Greater Reality Living at

Coaching / Counseling Sessionmeet with Dr. Pitstick by Zoom to gain answers to your toughest questions and holistic solutions to your biggest challenges.  (Shop at

Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Dr. Pitstick’s remarks are based on his personal and professional training and experience during forty-eight years of helping many thousands of people.  Collective clinical, scientific, and experiential evidence supports some, but not all, of what he shares.  Mark’s views may change over time, and he does not claim to have all the answers or the only answers.  Dr. Pitstick encourages you to consider this information and decide for yourself what makes the most sense.  Note: the articles and other resources at his site are not purely based on scientific research as is the SoulPhone Project.